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Your Pets are part of Christmas too

Our pets are a huge part of our families and ask such it's important to make sure that we remember they are an important part of the family on Christmas Day. Along with the extra chew toys or treats you might get them you can also have a lasting keepsake pet decoration to hang on your Christmas tree.

Personalised pet Christmas decorationsA decoration can act as a reminder of how important they are now but also for anyone who 4 legged best friend may have passed away it can act as a lovely reminder and memorial of them for you over the festive Christmas time.

Our personalised Christmas dog decorations are a lovely addition, we have a couple of different designs available, either a wooden bone shaped design that has stars cut out of it and is engraved with your dogs name and a pair of paw prints, there is also the done bone and paw print decoration that again can be engraved with your dogs name.

It is not just dogs that we have created personalised Christmas decorations for either, we have them suitable for Rabbits, cats and horses so you can be sure that they can all be represented on your Christmas tree this year.

August 01, 2017 by Mark Ward
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